Standalone MPC's can use microphones, however the process for each of them is slightly different. Follow the steps below for your specific MPC.

MPC Key 37, MPC One +, MPC One, MPC Live II and MPC Live

*Please note that the following instructions will only work if your MPC Firmware is updated to at least the  2.10 Firmware*

  • The first option is to use a class-compliant Audio Interface of your choosing, select the "Menu" button on your MPC, go to Preferences then Audio Device. From there simply open the drop down, labeled "Internal" by default and select your audio interface. You can then plug up your Microphone (Condenser or Dynamic) and create an Audio Track.

  • The second option can only be done with Dynamic microphones. Simply connect your microphone to the rear inputs and enable the input to "Line", then adjust the gain so that you are seeing a healthy volume on your Audio track's VU meter. You are ready to record audio.

MPC X and MPC Key 61

  • The MPC X and MPC Key 61 both have "pre-amps" that make connecting a microphone very simple. Simply connect the Microphone into the one of the inputs on the back labelled "Input 1, Input 2".
  • If you are using a condenser microphone, you will also need to ensure the Phantom Power switch is toggled to the "On" position. This switch can be located on the top right of the MPC X, or on the rear of the MPC Key 61. It is labeled as "+48V". 
  • Lastly make sure you inputs are toggled to "line" not "phono" and adjust the rec gain so that you are seeing a healthy signal on your audio track's VU meter.

Input Monitoring and Recording

If you are not able to hear your microphone, or unable to record, please make sure that you have done the following:

  • Be sure that you have chosen the correct input, these will correspond to the labels on the back of your MPC, or your class compliant audio interface's inputs. Mic signals are Mono, so unless you are recording a stereo mic, you will want to choose the corresponding mono input:


  • Next, be sure that your track is armed by clicking the record arm button, outlined in red below.

  • Next, you will want to decide whether you want to monitor your incoming mic signal. We recommend using headphones and turning down your speakers to avoid feedback if you wish to live monitor your input. Any effects on the track will also be applied to the incoming signal when monitoring is on. There are 3 options, Off, On, and Auto. 

    Off- No input monitoring
    On- Input monitoring on, after recording, you will need to turn this off in order to hear the audio you have recorded. 
    Auto- Will turn input monitoring on when there is no audio on the track, and automatically turn it off after you have recorded to the track so that you can hear the recorded audio without having to toggle the button.