Creating a fixture profile allows you to define the behavior of a lighting fixture, enabling you to control it effectively with SoundSwitch. This guide will walk you through the steps of creating a fixture profile using the SoundSwitch Fixture Manager tool.

Access the complete Fixture Manager manual below:

Fixutre Manager Manual


If you are looking for a guide on how to create a fixture personality for a specific fixture type please see these guides below:

- Fixture Creation Example: Creating a Profile for an RGB Par Can
- Fixture Creation Example: Creating a Profile for Moving Head with Color Wheel
- Fixture Creation Example: Creating a Multi-Cell Fixture Profile
- Fixture Creation Example: Creating a profile for a Effect Fixture
- How to Find a Fixture's Color Wheel Information When Not Provided in the Fixture Manual



- SoundSwitch Fixture Manager installed on your computer.
- Basic knowledge of your lighting fixture's DMX channels and attributes.
- Fixture manual or documentation for reference.


Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Launch SoundSwitch Fixture Manager

Start by launching the SoundSwitch Fixture Manager application on your computer.


Step 2: Adding a New Fixture

1. In the Fixture Manager application, go to File > New Fixture.
2. Select the manufacturer of your lighting fixture from the list.
3. Provide a name for your fixture in the Model field.
4. Click OK to create a new fixture entry in the workspace.


Step 3: Define Fixture Personality

1. In the workspace, select the fixture you've just created.
2. Click the [+] button on the right side to add a new mode (a mode represents a specific configuration or setting for your fixture).
3. Set the Mode Name to describe this mode (e.g., "Standard Mode").
4. Specify the number of DMX channels used by this mode. This information can be found in your fixture's manual or documentation.
5. If your fixture has multiple cells or light-emitting surfaces, you can add them similarly by clicking the [+] button for each cell.


Step 4: Configuring Attributes

1. For each mode or cell, configure attributes that define the fixture's behavior.
2. Choose an attribute from the dropdown list. Attributes represent specific functions or controls of the fixture (e.g., color, intensity, gobo).
3. Provide a Description for the attribute (use the name from the manufacturer's manual if available).
4. Specify the Number of DMX Channels required for this attribute (either 1 or 2).
5. Fill in the Coarse & Fine fields to indicate the DMX offset in the DMX chart. If it's a single DMX channel attribute, only the coarse field is used, and the fine field remains 0.
6. Set the Range Start & End values. Typically, this is 0 to 255 for a single DMX channel attribute or 0 to 65535 for a dual DMX channel attribute.
7. If applicable, choose a predefined wheel from the Wheel dropdown selection.


Step 5: Saving Your Fixture Profile

To ensure your fixture profile is saved and ready for use:

1. Click the "Save to Workspace" button to lock your fixture entry in the workspace.
2. You can now use this fixture profile locally with SoundSwitch.


Step 6: Verifying Your Fixture

Before uploading, it's advisable to validate your fixture profile. Go to Fixtures > Check Fixture to ensure there are no issues. If any problems are detected, they will be displayed in the Debug Output section.


Step 7: Uploading to the Public Server (Optional)

If you wish to share your fixture profile with others:

1. Select your fixture in the workspace.
2. Go to Fixtures > Transfer to Public Cloud.
3. Your fixture will be available on the public server for other SoundSwitch users.


Congratulations! You've successfully created a fixture profile using the SoundSwitch Fixture Manager. You can now use this profile to control your lighting fixture with precision and ease in SoundSwitch.


Remember to refer to your fixture's manual or documentation for specific details and attributes when creating your fixture profile.


We hope this guide helps you create fixture profiles effectively. If you have any questions or encounter issues, feel free to reach out to our support resources for assistance.