Controlling Intensity with SoundSwitch

SoundSwitch empowers you to control the intensity or brightness of your lighting fixtures. This enables you to craft various effects such as fades, flashes, and other brightness variations that synchronize seamlessly with your music. To achieve this, you'll need to work with the white intensity line inside a Control Track.

Here's how you can work with intensity effects:

1. Creating Intensity Nodes: Start by creating intensity nodes by clicking on the intensity line. Add a few nodes to define your desired intensity pattern.

2. Adjusting the Shape: Click and hold one of the nodes, and drag it to manipulate the intensity curve. Experiment with different shapes and patterns to achieve the desired lighting effects. You can create fades, pulses on the beat, or any effect that complements your setup.

3. Deleting Nodes: To remove a node, simply double-click on it, and it will disappear from the intensity line.

4. Copying and Linking Intensity Graphs: Once you've created intensity graphs that you like, remember that you can easily copy and paste them to link to different parts of the audio track. This provides flexibility in crafting intricate lighting effects.

Creative Tip: Creating intensity pulses in sync with different elements of the music can be a powerful way to engage your audience. For example, you might create a pulse effect in rhythm with the bass kick, then switch to highlighting the claps or snares to accentuate different musical elements.

Mastering intensity control with SoundSwitch opens up endless possibilities to enhance your lighting shows, making them more dynamic and engaging for your audience. Enjoy experimenting with different intensity effects and elevating your live performances.