Mastering Main Tracks in SoundSwitch

Main Tracks are a powerful feature within SoundSwitch, designed to help you efficiently create captivating lighting shows across your entire lighting array. With Main Tracks, you can seamlessly control all fixtures within a Venue Tab using a single Control Track. This means that regardless of the lighting fixtures employed, such as LED Par Cans, Moving Heads, LED Tubes, or LED Panels, they will all harmoniously execute the lighting effects crafted in the Main Track.

Here's how to maximize the use of Main Tracks:

1. Unified Lighting Control: Main Tracks provide a quick and effective way to create lighting shows, as they ensure consistency across your fixtures. For instance, if you've created a pink-to-blue fade in the Main Track, all fixtures within the Venue Tab will display this same pink-to-blue transition. This streamlined approach is particularly beneficial for executing synchronized lighting effects effortlessly.

2. Consistency Across Venues: Main Track information remains consistent across all of your venues. This feature is especially helpful if you perform in various spaces or take on gigs at unfamiliar venues on short notice. Simply set up a new Venue Tab, configure the lighting fixtures for the specific space, and the Main Tracks you've previously created will be automatically applied when working with those same audio files.

3. Customization Options: If you desire greater customization for specific fixtures or groups of fixtures, you can easily override the Main Tracks through individual Fixture Control Tracks or Fixture Groups in the workspace. This flexibility allows you to tailor your lighting design to your exact preferences.

Creative Tip: Build a library of Scripted audio files over time to have a variety of custom lighting options readily available. Creating Main Tracks for your audio files is a smart approach to ensure you always have personalized lighting options for future gigs. This enables you to maintain a consistent lighting style while adapting to different venues and events.

Main Tracks are a valuable tool for both beginners and experienced lighting designers, as they simplify the process of creating engaging lighting displays and offer flexibility when needed. Unlock the full potential of Main Tracks in SoundSwitch to elevate your live performances and delight your audience with dynamic lighting experiences.