The Headrush Prime's looper has become a very powerful tool, incorporating a few new tricks from the Looperboard and refining them for its own needs. The following guide will walk you through setup, new functions and a few troubleshooting steps to take if something isn't working right.

Table of Contents

Setting up the Looper

The looper has a dedicated footswitch all the way to the right on the top row just like the Pedalboard. It is now also accessible by selecting the Menu icon in the top left corner of the screen and then tapping Looper. From here, tempo can be set via tapping the foot switch or going into our new Menu via the top right corner and entering it manually on the Global Tempo parameter on this screen. In addition, you can now set the metronome and count in from this screen as well as the time signature for the recording. 

From there, the record footswitch will start up the looper, and after recording more options for manipulation of the audio will become available on the footswitches. In addition, if your looper footswitch is missing from the right having been replaced by Tuner or Practice, that can be changed via the Global Settings

Setting up the Looper to Sync to a Midi Clock

One feature incorporated from the Looperboard is the ability to sync your tempo and loop start/stop to a midi clock, which will also sync up your metronome and also your time-based FX with the time set to Sync, for example, Phaser or Reverb, and have those FX play to the actual tempo of the board.

To set this up, head into your Global Settings, tap the Midi category, and then turn on Receive Midi Clock, which will allow you to receive Midi Clock via Midi 5-pin or devices connected via the USB-A slot on the Headrush Prime. From here, head into the Looper. go back into the settings, and turn on the Midi Beat Clock, as well as the Global Tempo Sync to lock the loop tempo to the Midi Clock Tempo. This will also disable your count-in because it's assumed the device that is the midi clock will handle your count-in.

This will also change the behavior of your record footswitch. You will notice that the record does not immediately start the recording, and instead blinks. This is normal because the board is waiting for the clock source to turn on and start the actual tempo, although stopping the recording is still doable via the record button.

To turn this feature off, go to Global Settings > MIDI tab, then set Receive MIDI Clock to OFF

Finally, before starting to record, we suggest letting the clock source start and play a bar or 2 while on the settings screen before recording for the first time- this can help you make sure the clock message is being received by the board and that it is syncing up. You should see the tempo change in real time on this screen and sync up after a few beats.

Please note that if using an external hardware clock, you will need to enable its midi output sync and midi clock send before this function will work, Please contact the manufacturer of the product if you have any questions on how to set this up.

Using a Dual Input Path

Dual Input paths are available for recording to the looper. These both will record to a single layer, and be subject to the same parameters that a single Loop Layer's editing functions would be adhered to (e.g. Speed will affect the speed of both, reverse will reverse the sound of both.)

The mixing of these two signals is affected via output blocks on the rig for both paths. For more information on this, see our guide on Signal Paths. Finally, should you only want to record the raw signal of one input or the other, the location of the looper can be set via the third knob. on the looper screen. Please note that if you have set your signal paths to separate outputs in the global settings, the looper position will be changed by these choices.

After recording, my loops are coming in quieter

This is normal, by default the looper is set to come in at 50% volume to allow you to hear what you are recording currently for overdubbing purposes. This can be adjusted via the mix knob on the right, which is the top knob of the Prime.

Questions? Concerns? Feedback? If you are still having trouble, please use the New Support Ticket button at the top to contact our support team for further assistance.