Disk Space Low - Warning Low on Temporary Space

MPC 3 OS introduces a new Disk Streaming feature which relies on the performance of the selected disk you are streaming from. If you have received the Disk Space Low message, please see the steps to resolve this:

On your MPC, go to Menu > Preferences > Project Load/Save and set the Temporary File Location to an external drive formatted to exFAT preferably. (We recommend using an SSD for best results - If available).

Please also make sure that your internal drive is not full. 

To check the available space on your internal drive, press the Menu button, tap on the CPU/RAM meters in the top-right corner of the screen, and then select Drives on the right side of the System Resources window.

More information on this subject can be found on Page 49 in the MPC Standalone OS v3.4 User Guide 

For more MPC 3 FAQ's please visit: MPC3 Beta - FAQ : Akai Professional