You've just grabbed some new software and are ready to try out some new software; but you've run into a problem- the software won't activate! In this guide we'll talk about a few reasons this is happening, how to fix it, and include a bit extra for the MPC One, which doesn't have Wi-fi.

For all wifi devices, it comes down to a few quick checks to verify the connectivity- 

For example, WPA3 security protocols will not work with the standalone units. For more information, please refer to MPC Series | Wi-Fi Connection Fails with WPA3 Enabled Router

Another thing you can check is if your unit is currently connected to a Wifi extender, which may cause delays in communication or interference that prevents the connection from taking place fully. Simply using the MPC closer to the router or unplugging the extender temporarily may help the connection in this case.

Finally if you're connected but the QR code for logging in is not populating, or the activation's screens are logged in but the only option available is to refresh(for example, the log out button is greyed out) this indicates that your MPC or Force is connected to the internet, but unable to reach the actual servers, which can happen for a number of reasons including interference from a wifi extender, security around the router/server from the ISP like a firewall, or even simply a problem with the connection speed itself. In these instances, it's good to try an alternate form of connection, for example a direct ethernet connection or a different wi-fi(connecting over your phone's hotspot); and disconnecting other devices using wifi temporarily(bluetooth included, which uses the 2.4 ghz spectrum).

In these instances, you will also note that despite the unit being connected, you will also be unable to access the update over Wifi option.

For the MPC One, it's a little easier to see if there's a problem with the connection- The Ethernet screen will often populate with server information; and upon connection if something has gone wrong the Gateway And/Or DNS fields will not populate with anything beyond

In these circumstances, this indicates that while connected, the MPC Is not reaching the server. When this happens, we would advise using an alternate ethernet cable, an alternate port on your router, or alternately connecting up your phone via USB to the USB A port on the MPC One and tethering directly to the phone for the USB connection(please contact your phone's manufacturer for information on how to do so). The MPC One will also be able to take in an ethernet connection via an Ethernet to USB connection if you suspect that your Ethernet port may be having problems.